Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Growth in the Dark Places

I love the message about a seed in today’s photo. It reminds me of one of my favorite Joel Osteen messages, Blessed in the Dark Places.

In his message, Osteen compares the trials in our lives to a seed being planted. Seeds can’t germinate in the light. It needs to be planted in the soil. A dark place. Osteen points out that if asked, the seed would likely tell you it doesn’t want to be in the dark place. It’s uncomfortable, the pressure intense. 

He makes this wonderful point: The seed looks buried, but in fact, it’s planted.

After time, that seed will change. It’s outer shell will crack, and new growth happens. And just like the seed, when we experience significant trials we can also experience new growth. Our character grows. We develop faith, patience, and humility.

In my own experience, God has used my marital dark place to draw me closer to Him. I pray more, trust Him more, and look less to myself for solutions and more toward Him. My priorities have been re-evaluated. My faith has been stretched to what I thought would be a breaking point. I have a fresh appreciation for our blessings. I don’t complain about the little things anymore, because I’ve been through too much to let small stuff bother me. None of this would’ve happened in the safe zone. It only happens in the fire of affliction. 

The dark place has also changed my children. They’ve become wonderful listeners. They’re patient, empathetic, and even kinder than they were before. They’ve become more encouraging and comforting. Their faith has grown. Their perspective has also changed. They’ve learned a lot for their age, including what they will not do if they experience marital trouble. Only time will tell, but I’m hopeful my sons will avoid leaving their families at all costs. They know all too well what that’s felt like.

I have not liked this dark place--it’s been extremely painful. But this dark place has been packed with blessings. Although I didn’t like the growth process, I appreciate the results. I’ve become a much better person. And just like the seed that breaks forth through the soil, I’ve also broken free and gained more confidence.

Going through this time with faith and a good attitude has been such a life lesson for me and my sons. Brokenness is temporary. The loss, betrayal, and pain was meant for my harm, but I can trust God to use it for my good. In fact, He already has.

If you’re in a dark place, I hope you’ll click on Osteen’s link above and listen to the message. I promise, you’ll be inspired.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Leslie S. Rose said...

Your strength and insight continue to be an inspiration. XO