Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Who Encourages the Encourager?

(Photo credit: Christi Gee. Her post "Dear Encourager--3 Things We Want You to Know" is a must read! Such beautiful encouragement for encouragers)

Through this blog, I recently helped myself. Sounds strange, right? Let me explain.

I'd just experienced a very, very bad day. The day before it had been rough as well. The day before, my ex and I had exchanged cruel and heated words. I walked around in a daze, thinking, "Seriously, God? This is what I get? This is how I'm treated? You're joking, right?" The following day, some other stuff happened that left me reeling and traumatized. (Shout out to my sister who dropped everything and comforted me when I needed her the most. My family is amazing.)

Some days I'm strong and kind. Other days I'm weak and cruel. This process of changing from the inside out is not smooth. It's jagged, prickly, and painful.

Anyway, that night the boys and I were decorating our Christmas tree, knowing it would be our last time in this home. They knew what had happened that day and the day before, and we made a pact to put it behind us and have fun. We laughed, we danced, we sang Christmas carols at the top of our lungs. It's as if we were punching difficulty in the face, saying, "Take that!"

After the boxes had been put away, and after the house lights were turned off and only the lights from the tree were glowing, we eventually settled back into our nightly routines. My son sat on one couch, I sat on another. While he checked his phone, I checked my emails.

Sitting in my inbox were my own words from this blog: "After the Drought." I schedule these posts ahead of time, so I'd forgotten about it. I read through my own words, feeling encouraged and strengthened. After experiencing a rough couple of days, this post reminded me that it's temporary. It's seasonal. We won't only survive this turmoil, we'll thrive in the midst of it.

It was a fresh reminder of the roller coaster experience. Up some days, down on others. But on that night, I was thankful for this blog. I was thankful for God's gentle reminder to smile during the roller coaster ride. Yes, I may sometimes get bugs in my teeth, but isn't that better than the alternative? Riding a roller coaster with white-knuckled fear, snarling through the drops, is not a good way to live life. That is not my destiny.

Some days, we're able to encourage others. Other days, we need encouragement. On that day, I was both the encourager and the encouraged. Life is so strange and beautiful.

My hope and prayer is that this blog is helping others. I'm trusting that God is sending the right people here; the people who need it. Heck, even if you're just curious to see how a girl with a wonky situation is doing life on a crazy faith journey. Whatever your reason for reading, I thank you. 

I know one thing for sure--it's helping me.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Leslie S. Rose said...

It's great your own insights could help you punch through a tough spot!