Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thankful for the White Space

I read a story by Christine Caine, where she talked about one of her experiences at University. Her professor stood before an expansive white board. With a black marker, he drew a small dot in the center of the board. Then he asked the class, "What do you see?"

"A black dot," they answered. Again he asked, "What do you see?" Again, then answered, "A black dot." Finally he said to them, "I see a lot of white space."

It's amazing how we focus so intently on one thing--one bad situation, one hurtful circumstance, one fallen person--and ignore everything else around us. I'm absolutely guilty of that myself. I can focus so much on that black dot until all I see is darkness. Whatever it is we fixate and focus on, that's what becomes prominent our lives.

Caines' story reminded me to fixate instead on all the light in my life. Yes, there are dark things happening in my family. Yes, our circumstances are far from ideal. But there is a heck of a lot of light in our lives. So much white space to be thankful for.

What defines my white space? What am I thankful for this year?

  • As always, my amazing sons. They are the greatest blessings in my life. God gave me the grace to raise them well, and they are always at the top of my gratitude list.
  • Good health. It's priceless. Without it, our lives would be very different.
  • Kind and loving family. Without them, there would be a lot less laughter and comfort in our situation.
  • Interesting and adventurous job. I have no idea what the heck I'm doing in this job as a flight attendant, but there is a purpose. I'll enjoy the journey while I figure it out.
  • A home with lots of equity. Are me and my boys sad that we must let it go? Absolutely. They were raised here. We built it from nothing but dirt. But I'm thankful for the value in it.
  • Cars that run. This is a pet peeve of mine, after being raised in a household where cars broke down all the time. Ours are not perfect, but they run. 
  • Faithful and supportive life group. I am so thankful that God led me to these amazing people. They are my prayer warriors and guardian angels.
  • Kind friends. When my sons and I look at our lives and the friends we've made--new and not so new--we're blown away. We have no shortage of flourishing friendships.
  • Born in the Land of the Free. I'm so thankful that I was born here, in freedom. And I'm thankful for those who protect those freedoms every day.
Whatever life throws our way, there's one thing we can be sure of: there is always, always something to be thankful for. Let's practice focusing not on the black dot, but on the white space.

What are you thankful for? I'd love to know.

Until next time...

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